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Is Ghosts Really As Bad As Everyone Says?


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I have heard only bad things about the new Call of Duty: Ghosts! I have heard the graphics suck, the game is the same as the previous ones, and that the franchise as a whole is being ruined by this single game. I even asked a worker at my local and trusted game store and he said that he wouldn't even recommend the game to me if it would make him money! Just wanted to know why it is so popular if everyone thinks it sucks! 

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CoD is a yearly purchase for many. You won't know if it'll be bad until you purchase and play it if you insist on having it day one.

That being said, most CoD games are hated on pretty badly.

This one seems to be getting a lot of hate, but just like every CoD, you'll find a mix of reviews.

If you can play one without buying it, it'd be the best way to decide for yourself.

Otherwise, just try to read reviews for descriptions of features. Not overall opinions or scores.

Then judge for your self. Even the worst game in the world, probably is one persons favorite game.


It is nowhere near as bad as everyone is making it out to be. It's just that a LOT of people were expecting so much from this game, and compared it a lot to BOII. The base maps are generally large for a CoD game, but this isn't nearly as bad as people say it is. Also, the graphics do not suck at all. They're just not that colourful when compared to Black Ops II, which many people were trying to get away from. It's also not like any previous Call of Duty in my opinion. Each series (WWII, MW, BO) feels different from each other, and Ghosts is just like that. It doesn't feel like Black Ops II. It doesn't feel like MW3. It's its own thing, and it shouldn't be chastised for not being exactly the same as the previous games.

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I spent 50 bucks on it and was disappointed. (Keep in mind I didn't even have any high expectations.)


Call of Duty needs a long break to be brutaly honest. 

Not before they made that zombies only game though. :3


Their p2p netcode is poo.

That being said: the mp is fun when it's not a lag fest.

Private/offline versus bots is fun.

Squads are surprisingly fun.

Safeguard, once you get the hang of it, has a very 'early zombies' camping feel to it. It has max ammo, dog/shield guy rounds and can be 20/40/100 rounds to win. Try this mode until it grabs you. You won't love it on first try.

Extinction is okay, a great team effort game that you win in an hour or so.

Despite the online mp issues, the game has a lot to offer.

The campaign is one of the must fun to play ever. I couldn't even finish the crap fest campaign of either bo1 or bo2.

The mp maps are fantastic, the worst maps that i don't want to see are better than any bo1/bo2 nap, they actually have that waw feel. Much of this game gives me that waw feel.

The look is more realistic than bo games, but it takes a few games to catch on (I'm so used to the turtle/hunchback gnome-folk of bo2).

I was playing bo2 until i got this on 12.27, the transition from playing the tiny arena suck-maps of bo to the far superior ghosts maps took some time.

Overall, i am quite happy with this game. And I'm glad that it has lots to offer besides the same rehashed mp, which it does have also.

I just wish i could play tdm on the new maps, but I'll just have to wait for them to go into rotation as the Onslaught playlist is always Kamp Konfirmed.

If you by it for the cod mp, it is okay, but if you actually play the other modes like i do, it's a wealth of fun stuff.


Well, remember, and this can be said for all recent games… This had to be designed for twice the amount on consoles as normal: Ps3, Ps4, XB360, XB1, Wii U.  So I wouldn't put too much thought behind it sucking.. It has it's reasons… 


But, there is no excuse for a poor story… Which BTW was shit… 


The weapons were god awful as well…. That bulldog shotgun or whatever? Seriously? And the accuracy on the revolver shotgun <<<<


Extinction is very similar to zombies: First map sucked, second map was better. However, I find Extinction to be ENTIRELY unfair in forms of both player ability and co-op ability…  Like it or not: 4 players make the game infinitely more easy then 1 player, likewise, while Point of contact can be done with only the first few levels, nightfall is impossible without at least the medic rank… But yes, i did enjoy the map's secrets and story, as that's supposed to last until DLC 4 when it's cut off… 


Honestly, I was really disappointed with it myself. I thought the campaign was OK. It did feel more like an interactive movie than a game though. You got lead by the hand through it pretty much.


I absolutely hate the MP side of it though. It is not that it plays terribly, but it is very rough feeling, and the visuals on the 360 look pretty rough in areas. The resolution looks very low, so seeing enemies in the distance can be near impossible.


I also thought the stock MP maps were really ugly looking. They lacked intuitive designs to them also. Same tired layouts for most of them, even if the have increased in size somewhat.


Overall, the whole MP experience felt very similar to MW3 and I really did not enjoy that game either.


Extinction is the best part of the game, and I even found that to be repetitive and lacking in longevity. There is replay value, but only if you think the ranking system is worthwhile, and personally I do not. None of the leaderboards where anything to care about in my opinion. I know people will tell me it would make it too much like zombies, but I would have loved for them to have added a survival mode to extinction. They definitely made the game mode with us in mind, but I don't like it myself.


One of the things that made zombies work well, was that it was nothing like MP. It was a completely different game mode. Extinction feels like MP with aliens.


Either way, I would not recommend it myself, but the only way you will know for sure is to try it first. If renting it is an option, you have found your answer.

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If you are anything like me I bought the game specifically for Extinction. I don't play multi-player. I never have and I never will. So basing my opinion on Extinction alone I can not make a recommendation for this game. Paying a hundred bucks for the game and DLC is absurd. Especially since the game has no real replay value. I was extremely excited on DLC release day. They changed the formula up a bit, increased the difficulty, and added storyline. Now here I am having the exact same feeling as a I had one week after Point of Contact. On the subject of graphics: this is not a next generation game. Not sure why the bar was set so high. If you have some money to blow as I did go for it; but to be honest you're not missing anything.


Some fixes would be nice:

If i could, i would fix: select a map for Safeguard. I can do it offline, why can't i online? They already give you 2 of the easiest maps, why not let us play any map that we want? Edit: i found that you can go to mp, private match, select game mode, safeguard. That way you can play any map online, but it won't save stats or level up your soldier.

Play squad versus squad against a buddy. In addition to random people.

Set your squads up for different game types, so you're not thrown into domination with tdm bots.

Online; let me pick my soldier at the start of a match instead of only letting me use the current soldiers' classes. You give us squads, make us want to build them up, but then punish us if we don't have the correct one. How are we supposed to know what map that we are going into before hand? We can't, because we have to constantly join new games due to lag, host screw, host migrations fail, host dashboarding.

Killcams; even offline bots' killcams are blatant lies.

Buff killstreaks, buff explosives. Fix scavenging explosives.

My two pennies worth...

On story: yes, iw campaign is fun, but the story is trash, and predictable trash, but it was fun to play.


Call of Duty Ghosts is a little disappointing. I think being that it was the last releases before Xbox One and PS4 they sort of held back in a sense. I am expecting big things for Black Ops 3.


I don't own Ghosts, I played it on the Wii U with a friend. In my opinion, I like ghosts much more than previous IW games (excluding MW2 MP) and I find extinction to be the perfect break from constant zombie slaying. Extinction provides a change of pace and strategy that you just can't find in zombies. I like the weapons as well. The chainsaw lmg is so fun :D and specialist is no where near as overpowered in this game. I'm glad IW has something that finally works for the most part, I hate MW3 with a passion. :P


  On 2/8/2014 at 4:20 PM, Stop mocking me0 said:

Oh yeah, between MW3 and Ghosts? No question. Ghosts is better.

MW2 was pretty good, but none of them compare to BO2, waw, and especially BO1.

Bo1 had the worst mp by far of any cod. Awful maps, guns, perks, everything about bo1 sucked, except zombies. Oh that was trash. I still get mad that cod could go from the awesomeness of waw into mw2 then into total garbage that was bo1. Simply nauseating.

Edit: Sorry Stop, that's my knee-jerk reaction to bo1. Didn't mean to be rude... I hate that cod passionately.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

It could get any more perfect than BO1. That game epitomised the ideal that every Call of Duty should strive for. 


MW3 was God awful. I tried to play it with an open mind but no avail.


Then again I could be biased because I had the best gaming year during BO1 and met the coolest people on there.

Edited by yazter

  On 2/2/2014 at 4:02 PM, 83457 said:

Their p2p netcode is poo.

That being said: the mp is fun when it's not a lag fest.

Private/offline versus bots is fun.

Squads are surprisingly fun.

Safeguard, once you get the hang of it, has a very 'early zombies' camping feel to it. It has max ammo, dog/shield guy rounds and can be 20/40/100 rounds to win. Try this mode until it grabs you. You won't love it on first try.

Extinction is okay, a great team effort game that you win in an hour or so.

Despite the online mp issues, the game has a lot to offer.

The campaign is one of the must fun to play ever. I couldn't even finish the crap fest campaign of either bo1 or bo2.

The mp maps are fantastic, the worst maps that i don't want to see are better than any bo1/bo2 nap, they actually have that waw feel. Much of this game gives me that waw feel.

The look is more realistic than bo games, but it takes a few games to catch on (I'm so used to the turtle/hunchback gnome-folk of bo2).

I was playing bo2 until i got this on 12.27, the transition from playing the tiny arena suck-maps of bo to the far superior ghosts maps took some time.

Overall, i am quite happy with this game. And I'm glad that it has lots to offer besides the same rehashed mp, which it does have also.

I just wish i could play tdm on the new maps, but I'll just have to wait for them to go into rotation as the Onslaught playlist is always Kamp Konfirmed.

If you by it for the cod mp, it is okay, but if you actually play the other modes like i do, it's a wealth of fun stuff.


How dare you say BO1 campaign was crap.  I absolutely loved it, and think it had the best plot of any Cod game to date. 


I agree that Ghosts campaign is good though.  only thing i've enjoyed from it.  other than the DLC guns have been kinda cool and unique, but other than that, it's pretty awful


Big maps + Ghillie suit camo + perks that make you invulnerable to infra red sight + perk that makes you indetectable by sat coms + silencer = TDM games with scores of 20-15 when time expires


snooze fest

Posted (edited)


     Boring campaing and even more boring gameplay missions. Pretty maps don't make up for the campaing where you have abssolutely no choise or don't have to think anything for that matter. You are told what to do and when to do as you advance for the next slow-mo breach scene.



     While it had some potential and seems for most of it pretty well balanced it has very bad spawns that often ruin the flow of the match and also quite a few bugs. Maps are not that well designed and the whole experience gets quite boring quickly. Sound desing is a step forward from previous instalments and I like that. Safeguard is a great mode to play with friends and is definetly a big plus side on the multiplayer side.



     Fun for a while with friends but in the end lacks replay value. More enemy types and ways to have more advanced strategies would have been good for this mode.


In rating of 4-10 I would give this game 6,8. And that is score for the PS4, the PC version of the game is 4.5.

Edited by Matuzz

I have not even beaten campaign yet but the graphics look amazing for the first 15 mins that I played. I didn't get enough from multi-player and extinction. Like I said before, if you are a cod fan, get it and you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect too much. I absolutely love Ghosts. I have about 5-6 games on xbox one and I plan on getting rid of everything because I only really spent time playing ghosts.

Extinction has insane replay value. Common Now Matuzz.


  On 4/21/2014 at 9:43 PM, way2g00d said:

I have not even beaten campaign yet but the graphics look amazing for the first 15 mins that I played. I didn't get enough from multi-player and extinction. Like I said before, if you are a cod fan, get it and you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect too much. I absolutely love Ghosts. I have about 5-6 games on xbox one and I plan on getting rid of everything because I only really spent time playing ghosts.Extinction has insane replay value. Common Now Matuzz.

For me Point of Contact has gotten very boring...


  On 4/22/2014 at 4:02 AM, Matuzz said:


I have not even beaten campaign yet but the graphics look amazing for the first 15 mins that I played. I didn't get enough from multi-player and extinction. Like I said before, if you are a cod fan, get it and you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect too much. I absolutely love Ghosts. I have about 5-6 games on xbox one and I plan on getting rid of everything because I only really spent time playing ghosts.Extinction has insane replay value. Common Now Matuzz.

For me Point of Contact has gotten very boring...



I would be bored if I was playing that map all the time. I spend 2-3 hours on extinction everyday doing teeth hunting with randoms and it is quite challenging. At first I was medic and now I switched to Weapons specialist and I feel the adrenaline rush to say the least. Armory is an outstanding new feature and it is only getting better with chaos mode. You gotta give it up to IW for making so many updates to an bonus game mode.


That being I absolutely hate the multiplayer maps from dlc. I frigging hate them so much that I leave the game as soon I get randomly joined to one of those dlc maps. They are total shit from what I played.


From the small amount of MP I've played at a mates, I actually enjoyed it. I did feel the maps were a little to big sometimes, and there's this scope I really hate. I believe it's the thermal scope. Other than that, I didn't see to many problems. I do prefer MW3's Survival over whatever they called it in this game with the 4p. Squads I think?


  On 4/22/2014 at 4:51 AM, way2g00d said:

I have not even beaten campaign yet but the graphics look amazing for the first 15 mins that I played. I didn't get enough from multi-player and extinction. Like I said before, if you are a cod fan, get it and you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect too much. I absolutely love Ghosts. I have about 5-6 games on xbox one and I plan on getting rid of everything because I only really spent time playing ghosts.Extinction has insane replay value. Common Now Matuzz.

For me Point of Contact has gotten very boring...


I would be bored if I was playing that map all the time. I spend 2-3 hours on extinction everyday doing teeth hunting with randoms and it is quite challenging. At first I was medic and now I switched to Weapons specialist and I feel the adrenaline rush to say the least. Armory is an outstanding new feature and it is only getting better with chaos mode. You gotta give it up to IW for making so many updates to an bonus game mode.


That being I absolutely hate the multiplayer maps from dlc. I frigging hate them so much that I leave the game as soon I get randomly joined to one of those dlc maps. They are total shit from what I played.

  On 4/22/2014 at 4:51 AM, way2g00d said:

I have not even beaten campaign yet but the graphics look amazing for the first 15 mins that I played. I didn't get enough from multi-player and extinction. Like I said before, if you are a cod fan, get it and you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect too much. I absolutely love Ghosts. I have about 5-6 games on xbox one and I plan on getting rid of everything because I only really spent time playing ghosts.Extinction has insane replay value. Common Now Matuzz.

For me Point of Contact has gotten very boring...


I would be bored if I was playing that map all the time. I spend 2-3 hours on extinction everyday doing teeth hunting with randoms and it is quite challenging. At first I was medic and now I switched to Weapons specialist and I feel the adrenaline rush to say the least. Armory is an outstanding new feature and it is only getting better with chaos mode. You gotta give it up to IW for making so many updates to an bonus game mode.


That being I absolutely hate the multiplayer maps from dlc. I frigging hate them so much that I leave the game as soon I get randomly joined to one of those dlc maps. They are total shit from what I played. Yeah, I have no DLC but I might be getting the Season Pass from Activision. Will be checking the other maps then.


I have played Nightfall and Mayday on my sons XBOX One and as fun as they are at first, they also get very boring very quickly. Personally, I do not think they are worth the price, as way says the MP maps are the worst I have seen since CoD started doing DLC. They are actually worse than the final few BO2 MP maps that dropped, so to purchase DLC just for the Extinction maps is a rip-off... especially as they are not nearly good enough.


The campaign is fun at first but gets really bad really fast. The mechanics for the dog are terrible, and you basically get 5 minutes of gameplay (following a set path) before you have to watch yet another 20 minute sequence. It is more of an interactive movie than a game.


I have no issue with Infinity Ward or Neversoft and if anything I am a fan of their previous works, but Ghosts is the worst CoD to date in my opinion and I genuinely think it IS as bad as most people think. I know others will disagree, but I paid my money for it, and for my sons copy (with season pass), and I regret doing so, so my opinion will not change.


Also got to have a quick run on Chaos Mode yesterday afternoon on my sisters PC and although it was a nice change of pace, it will not save the game-mode in my opinion.


Campaign: I liked this campaign, it had a variety of missions, the story was pretty good, but I kinda hate its ending (don't want to spoil it for you).


Multiplayer: Never cared about the multiplayer part of CoD (or the term is PvP, I think), but I find that Squads is the multiplayer experience I've been looking for. Players teaming up against AI bots. Safeguard is pretty much a race to get Sleight of Hand, Faster Health Regen, Sentry Guns, and Vultures. It's fun, but without teamwork, it's hard to complete. We also get offline multiplayer again, which is always a plus. I would rather fight bots then fight kids and childish people who tell me how they slept with my mom last night or something, since I suck at playing against other people. (Tip: Stormfront is the easiest place to beat Safeguard in my opinion)


Extinction: I enjoy it, since it usually requires strategies with both the maps and the loadouts in order to complete it. It is about as replayable as Zombies, although it depends on how much you really like Extinction. I enjoy killing aliens, except Rhinos. It will require as much teamwork to completing the Extinction map as completing a Zombies easter egg, at least to me whenever I play with random people.


DLC: Standard 4 multiplayer maps and a new Extinction map, although the Ripper looks like a sweet weapon, being able to be a sub-machine gun and an assault rifle in one weapon. Again, replayability depends on how interested you are in Ghosts. Oh, and so far, they've been adding multiplayer guns, just like how Black Ops 2's first DLC came with that one submachine gun, I forgot its name...


I would recommend this to you, since the campaign is good, there is offline multiplayer, and Extinction is pretty fun, but again, it's about how interested you are in Ghosts overall. I submitted to my inner CoD fanboy in me and got it, and I haven't been disappointed in it.

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